Privacy Policy

At Galata Fine Foods, we prioritize the privacy of our customers and website visitors. We understand and share your concerns regarding the use and sharing of your private information. We value your trust in our company and are committed to safeguarding your personal data. This privacy policy outlines our practices for collecting, protecting, and using your private information.

General Information

Galata Fine Foods acknowledges the importance of maintaining the privacy and security of your personal information. This policy describes in detail how we collect, use, and protect your data.

Information Collection

We collect information on a voluntary basis when customers and visitors interact with our website. This information is typically gathered when you choose to register with us or place an order. To ensure a smooth shopping experience and timely product delivery, we request various details, including your name, mailing address, email address, phone number, and credit card information. For added security, please note that we only display the last four digits of your credit card. This information is essential for processing orders and facilitating communication about the status of your order. If you ever wish to update your information, a convenient link is provided at the top of our homepage.

Additionally, we may collect technical information from consumers who report technical issues. This includes data such as browser type, IP address, and server information. We also gather aggregate information, which helps us understand which pages are visited most frequently. Furthermore, we may collect data volunteered by consumers, such as survey responses and site registrations.

Information Use

We use the information collected for various purposes, all aimed at improving your experience with Galata Fine Foods. Specifically, we utilize this data to:

  1. Enhance the content of our website, improve customer service, and provide technical support.
  2. Customize the content and layout of our website to cater to the individual preferences of our users.
  3. Contact consumers regarding updates to our website, as well as for marketing purposes. This may include informing customers about improvements to our services, special offers, and upcoming events.

It’s important to note that we do not share your information with other organizations for commercial purposes. We are committed to not distributing, selling, or renting your personal information to any third party.

Sharing of Information

Galata Fine Foods is committed to protecting your personal and financial information. However, there are specific situations in which we may be required to share your information:

  • Credit Card Transactions: When you use a credit card to make a payment, Galata Fine Foods is obligated to provide certain information to the credit card processing gateway. This information is crucial for authorizing the credit card transaction and is used exclusively to complete your order. The information submitted includes your name, last name, street address, zip code, city, country, email address, order amount, credit card number, and the expiration date of your credit card.
  • Legal Requirements: In rare instances, legal authorities may request your personal information. In such exceptional circumstances, Galata Fine Foods may provide the requested information as required by law.

Updating Personal Information

If you wish to opt-out of future promotions or research conducted by Galata Fine Foods, your name will be promptly removed from our email list upon your request. You have the option to remove your name from our email list and edit your personal information within our computer system. By using our site, you agree to take responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password. You also agree to restrict access to your computer and accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password.

Children’s Use

Our website is designed to be family-friendly and does not contain adult or offensive material. If you are under 18 years old, we ask that you use our services only with the involvement of a parent or guardian. Galata Fine Foods reserves the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, or cancel orders at our sole discretion.


Cookies are small text files that contain combinations of strings and numbers, which help identify your visits to our site. As the HTTP protocol is stateless, cookies are necessary on our website to implement features like the shopping cart and personalize your experience during subsequent visits. While we use cookies to enhance your shopping experience, we do not store any personal information in these files. At Galata Fine Foods, we utilize both session and non-session cookies to offer a seamless shopping experience. Cookies enable features such as saving shopping carts, creating shopping lists, managing addresses, and setting personal preferences. By accepting cookies, you can fully enjoy the shopping experience on our site. Should you wish to trace or disable cookies, detailed instructions are available in the “help” section of your web browser. Please be aware that disabling cookies will prevent you from enjoying the full shopping experience on our website.


Protecting our members is a top priority at Galata Fine Foods. To ensure the security of your data, we use 128-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. This technology encrypts the information you send us when you place an order. Your data is encrypted on your computer, transmitted over the internet as jumbled code, and decoded only on Galata Fine Foods’ secure server. This ensures that your data cannot be read during transit. The information stored on our server is fortified by firewalls and intrusion detection systems. Only authorized personnel have access to this information, subject to certain restrictions.

Policy Changes and Miscellaneous Information

By visiting our website, Galata Fine Foods, you are accepting the privacy policy described in these pages. If you do not agree with our terms, it is your full responsibility to use our website and services. We are fully committed to cooperating with any legal requirement or process that may necessitate providing information about a customer. Any updates or modifications to our Privacy Policy will be posted here for your convenience. We encourage individuals to periodically review this page to stay informed about changes to this policy. If you have any questions about our privacy policies or any other policies, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].